>1596296082> 【앵커/여신전생/디지몬】 D D S ─ 디지털 더블 스토리 -108- :: 1001

M&M's ◆gmZ2kt9BDc

2021-09-03 23:20:57 - 2021-09-08 01:09:37

0 M&M's ◆gmZ2kt9BDc (cW/2OBtQqY)

2021-09-03 (불탄다..!) 23:20:57

                                    _..-彡一''"゙゙´ ./_. _ , ヽ ゙゙̄''''''ヘニェ-.._
                                 _..r彡‐"      │~~゙/┘ ./.      ^゙''弋-、
                               ,ノニ‐'´     :_│_zニ└ 、,,,,..ノ゙⊥,,,,¦_      `ーニ-_
                             _ノン''´     _,┌'土li一―'''''''冖''''―ーニニ_.-,,,,      ゙弋! 、
                            /ン´   │>丿-''"       /ユ      ゙゙ー-ン'-t,,∠   ゙゙lユ,
                           ノン'´   ,,ヽ,,..ユィ二        ./ソ `lユ        ニ;;ニ''l(/_、   ゙lユ
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 【이전 어장 목록】
 『Real World』                                        ┃ 『Digital World』                                       ┃94.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596261573
1.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596245649         ┃49.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248961/147/1001 ┃96.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596266076
2.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596245666         ┃50.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248989        ┃97.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596269065
3.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596245698         ┃51.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596249002        ┃98.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596271100
4.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596245724         ┃52.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596249021        ┃99.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596275104
5.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596247670         ┃53.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596249095        ┃100.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596277093
6.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596247699         ┃54.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596249128        ┃101.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596279095
7.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596247720         ┃55.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596249155        ┃102.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596282101
8.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596247753         ┃56.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596249228        ┃103.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596285087
9.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596247844         ┃57.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596249402        ┃104.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596287093
10.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596247877        ┃58.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596252072        ┃105.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596289088
11.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596247896        ┃59.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596255065        ┃106.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596292095
12.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596247937        ┃60.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596256065        ┃107.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596296080
13.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248013        ┃61.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596257089        ┃
14.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248038        ┃62.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596258103        ┃
15.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248056        ┃63.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596258182        ┃
16.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248102        ┃64.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596258209        ┃
17.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248129        ┃65.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596258240        ┃
18.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248149        ┃66.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596258279        ┃
19.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248160        ┃67.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596258336        ┃
20.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248182        ┃68.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596258399        ┃
21.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248200        ┃69.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259088        ┃
22.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248240        ┃70.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259148        ┃
23.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248258        ┃71.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259231        ┃
24.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248279        ┃72.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259285        ┃
25.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248296        ┃73.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259357        ┃
26.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248328        ┃74.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259382        ┃
27.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248350        ┃75.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259411        ┃
28.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248366        ┃76.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259460        ┃
29.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248397        ┃77.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259482        ┃
30.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248420        ┃78.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259537        ┃
31.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248431        ┃79.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259615        ┃
32.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248453        ┃80.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259654        ┃
33.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248479        ┃81.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259747/1/338    ┃
34.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248506        ┣━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┫
35.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248522        ┃ 『Return to Real World』                                ┃
36.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248567        ┣━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┫
37.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248593        ┃81.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259747/339/1001 ┃
38.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248632        ┃82.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259782        ┃
39.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248686        ┃83.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259807        ┃
40.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248717        ┃84.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259829        ┃
41.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248739        ┃85.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259878        ┃
42.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248764        ┃86.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259949        ┃
43.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248781        ┃87.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259986        ┃
44.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248805        ┃88.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596260061        ┃
45.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248836        ┃89.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596260219        ┃
46.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248853        ┃90.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596260286        ┃
47.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248878        ┃91.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596260289        ┃
48.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248934        ┃92.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596261271        ┃
49.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248961/1/147    ┃93.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596261354        ┃

951 이름 없음 (UuDO5SR7EY)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:04:31


952 이름 없음 (NBkPoSQFDM)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:04:34

아 10분

953 이름 없음 (b1ffVHQEC.)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:05:00

일단 항체는 켜둬야 할 것 같고

954 M&M's ◆gmZ2kt9BDc (LKYEjYVyoc)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:05:08

>>980 까지 논의가 끝나지 않았다면 가속!


소원은 >>1001!

955 이름 없음 (YJJJGO5zso)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:05:15

일단 개인적으론 2번+4+가면서 아이템 크래시 엔케팔린이나 에녹서교체나 그런거 시도해보고 싶은데

956 이름 없음 (LoebfiG4yU)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:05:23

맥의 상태를 보는 거는 너무 낭비일려나

957 이름 없음 (NBkPoSQFDM)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:05:27


958 이름 없음 (UuDO5SR7EY)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:05:29


959 이름 없음 (NBkPoSQFDM)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:05:30


960 이름 없음 (NBkPoSQFDM)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:05:32


961 이름 없음 (NBkPoSQFDM)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:05:34


962 이름 없음 (b1ffVHQEC.)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:05:37

지금부터 달리는거 아냐

963 이름 없음 (NBkPoSQFDM)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:05:37


964 이름 없음 (UuDO5SR7EY)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:05:44


965 이름 없음 (LoebfiG4yU)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:05:47


966 이름 없음 (NBkPoSQFDM)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:05:51

아 지금부터 아니구나

967 이름 없음 (UuDO5SR7EY)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:06:20

be patient, read text

968 이름 없음 (NBkPoSQFDM)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:06:22

쏘리 시간대가 시간대라 잘못봤다 천만 보고 자야지

969 이름 없음 (YJJJGO5zso)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:06:35

의견 내자고 의견. 일단 난 2번 하고 싶은데 3ㅓ번하면 어떻게 할꺼야. 여기 일단 시내라서 괜사리 싸우기엔 조금;;

970 이름 없음 (NBkPoSQFDM)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:06:54

2+4면 되지 않나

971 이름 없음 (UuDO5SR7EY)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:06:55

3 also in city

972 이름 없음 (UuDO5SR7EY)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:07:16

2 also

973 이름 없음 (LoebfiG4yU)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:07:21

나도 싸우는 것보다는 결계에 가면서 장비를 정돈 하는쪽 4번은 제한에 안들어간다고 하니까

974 이름 없음 (b1ffVHQEC.)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:07:23

일단 4번 하고 자유앵커로 두개 더 고르면 될것 같은데
할만한게 엔케키는 거하고 항체하고 에녹서 교체정도? 먼저 공격했다간 불안하고

975 이름 없음 (YJJJGO5zso)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:07:28

2+4에 장비교체나 아이템 준비같은거 하는게 좋겠지 아마?

976 이름 없음 (UuDO5SR7EY)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:07:51

need to make it weaker->3

977 이름 없음 (YJJJGO5zso)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:08:00

항체 키는 것도 나쁘진 않겠네.

978 이름 없음 (NBkPoSQFDM)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:08:17

2+4+항체랑 엔케 키고 에녹서랑 머신러버 바꿔 끼기?

979 이름 없음 (LoebfiG4yU)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:08:28

>>976 한글 고장났어?

980 이름 없음 (b1ffVHQEC.)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:08:28

그걸로 가자

981 이름 없음 (NBkPoSQFDM)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:08:40

뭔가 아까부터 영어로 뭐라하는 사람이 있는데 뭐임?

982 이름 없음 (UuDO5SR7EY)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:08:42

>>979 right

983 이름 없음 (hpO/Yh/0cs)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:08:46

이제 달릴까?

984 이름 없음 (YJJJGO5zso)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:08:51

개인적으론 아이넽 크래시-엔케도 쓰고 싶은데 가능한지는 모르겠구만

985 이름 없음 (b1ffVHQEC.)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:08:51

고장 났대

986 이름 없음 (YJJJGO5zso)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:09:09

자판 망가졌음 어쩔 수 없지

987 이름 없음 (b1ffVHQEC.)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:09:20

일단 달리자

988 이름 없음 (hpO/Yh/0cs)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:09:24

1001이면 지클린데 에레미아

989 이름 없음 (hpO/Yh/0cs)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:09:27

1001이면 지클린데 에레미아

990 이름 없음 (b1ffVHQEC.)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:09:27

이 악물기가 불굴의 투지로 진화!

991 이름 없음 (NBkPoSQFDM)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:09:30


992 이름 없음 (hpO/Yh/0cs)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:09:31

1001이면 지클린데 에레미아

993 이름 없음 (b1ffVHQEC.)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:09:31

이 악물기가 불굴의 투지로 진화!

994 이름 없음 (NBkPoSQFDM)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:09:32


995 이름 없음 (YJJJGO5zso)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:09:32

일단 10분이 곧이니 여기서 1001 달리고 새 어장에서 앵커하자

996 이름 없음 (hpO/Yh/0cs)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:09:34

1001이면 지클린데 에레미아.

997 이름 없음 (NBkPoSQFDM)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:09:35


998 이름 없음 (hpO/Yh/0cs)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:09:36

1001이면 지클린데 에레미아.

999 이름 없음 (NBkPoSQFDM)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:09:37


1000 이름 없음 (LoebfiG4yU)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:09:37

회색뇌세포 레벨업

1001 이름 없음 (b1ffVHQEC.)

2021-09-08 (水) 01:09:37

이 악물기가 불굴의 투지로 진화!

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