>1597054737> [잡담/제작/다이스]뉴비의 잡담을 위한 잡담판 - 34 :: 1001


2024-11-25 21:11:06 - 2024-12-08 18:19:28

0 살루사송어◆.YtRsmr5Qc (HPBqS67m1o)

2024-11-25 (모두 수고..) 21:11:06

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잡담판1 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596753073/recent
잡담판2 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596879074/recent
잡담판3 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596952071/recent
잡담판4 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596993071/recent
잡담판5 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596993092/recent
잡담판6 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596995072/recent
잡담판7 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596998076/recent
잡담판8 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597005071/recent
잡담판9 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597008078/recent
잡담판10 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597018088/recent
잡담판11 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597027128/recent
잡담판12 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597030074/recent
잡담판13 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597032647/recent
잡담판14 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597033113/recent
잡담판15 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597033351/recent
잡담판16 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597037070/recent
잡담판17 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597038260/recent
잡담판18 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597039344/recent
잡담판19 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597044244/recent
잡담판20 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597046472/recent
잡담판21 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597046851/recent
잡담판22 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597047049/recent
잡담판23 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597047526/recent
잡담판24 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597048129/recent
잡담판25 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597049091/recent
잡담판26 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597049449/recent
잡담판27 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597049778/recent
잡담판28 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597050310/recent
잡담판29 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597050956/recent
잡담판30 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597051468/recent
잡담판31 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597051732/recent
잡담판32 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597053093/recent
잡담판33 - https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1597053849/recent

1. 잡담을 위한 잡담판입니다. 참치 어장 기본 규칙을 지켜주세요.

2. 정치, 시사 등의 주제는 가급적 삼가주시기 바랍니다. 그 외에는 무슨 주제로 얘기하셔도 상관없습니다

3. 나메,aa 허용이고 안 쓰셔도 전혀 상관없습니다.

4. 맘대로 다이스 굴리면서 노셔도 좋습니다.

5. 유튜브 직접 링크는 삼가주세요.

6. 어장주는 뉴비입니다. 고로 뉴비 환영입니다. 물론 올드비도 환영입니다


981 맞은 노악◆Fg2SxPL/Ek (/jMB8FR0Ys)

2024-12-08 (내일 월요일) 17:30:39

인공장기면 가능은 하겠는데

982 맞은 노악◆Fg2SxPL/Ek (/jMB8FR0Ys)

2024-12-08 (내일 월요일) 17:31:01

인공장기가 기계로 된건지 생체배양인지도 봐야하고

983 살루사송어◆.YtRsmr5Qc (Tu9PRTR4T.)

2024-12-08 (내일 월요일) 17:31:31


984 살루사송어◆.YtRsmr5Qc (Tu9PRTR4T.)

2024-12-08 (내일 월요일) 17:32:02

인공장기 내용은 맨 밑에서 세번째 문단에

985 살루사송어◆.YtRsmr5Qc (Tu9PRTR4T.)

2024-12-08 (내일 월요일) 17:32:32

In William Shatner's novels, McCoy was alive and well in 2379 thanks to the use of artificial body parts, many of which he developed (he claims to be on his third heart, has a new set of lungs grown each month, and had around ten meters of cloned intestines inside him). He helped Julian Bashir remove a Borg implant from Kirk's brain, advising the young physician as to what to do due to his elderly condition, and was subsequently the first person Kirk saw upon regaining consciousness.

서술 보면 기계인 것 같긴 한디

986 살루사송어◆.YtRsmr5Qc (Tu9PRTR4T.)

2024-12-08 (내일 월요일) 17:33:09

대충 이것저것 다 쓴 듯?

987 살루사송어◆.YtRsmr5Qc (Tu9PRTR4T.)

2024-12-08 (내일 월요일) 17:39:01

그은데... 저 소설 내용을 정확히는 모르겠는데 바시어랑 같이 일한 거면 맥코이도 최소 140은 넘긴건가

988 맞은 노악◆Fg2SxPL/Ek (/jMB8FR0Ys)

2024-12-08 (내일 월요일) 17:50:19

growing 하고 cloned 하는거보니 배양형 장기인거 같은데

989 살루사송어◆.YtRsmr5Qc (Tu9PRTR4T.)

2024-12-08 (내일 월요일) 18:01:42

암튼 저렇게 인공장기 달고 하면 150까지 가능인가?

990 맞은 노악◆Fg2SxPL/Ek (/jMB8FR0Ys)

2024-12-08 (내일 월요일) 18:04:53

성능은 그럴싸할테니 가능하죠

뇌...만 안고장나면 이론상 가능합니다

991 살루사송어◆.YtRsmr5Qc (Tu9PRTR4T.)

2024-12-08 (내일 월요일) 18:06:51


992 맞은 노악◆Fg2SxPL/Ek (/jMB8FR0Ys)

2024-12-08 (내일 월요일) 18:14:51

1000 소원권 있나요(?)

993 살루사송어◆.YtRsmr5Qc (Tu9PRTR4T.)

2024-12-08 (내일 월요일) 18:15:01

일단 적어보세여(?)

994 맞은 노악◆Fg2SxPL/Ek (/jMB8FR0Ys)

2024-12-08 (내일 월요일) 18:17:56

도아가 aa 쪄주세요

995 맞은 노악◆Fg2SxPL/Ek (/jMB8FR0Ys)

2024-12-08 (내일 월요일) 18:18:44


996 맞은 노악◆Fg2SxPL/Ek (/jMB8FR0Ys)

2024-12-08 (내일 월요일) 18:18:51


997 맞은 노악◆Fg2SxPL/Ek (/jMB8FR0Ys)

2024-12-08 (내일 월요일) 18:18:56


998 맞은 노악◆Fg2SxPL/Ek (/jMB8FR0Ys)

2024-12-08 (내일 월요일) 18:19:00


999 맞은 노악◆Fg2SxPL/Ek (/jMB8FR0Ys)

2024-12-08 (내일 월요일) 18:19:05


1000 맞은 노악◆Fg2SxPL/Ek (/jMB8FR0Ys)

2024-12-08 (내일 월요일) 18:19:11


1001 맞은 노악◆Fg2SxPL/Ek (/jMB8FR0Ys)

2024-12-08 (내일 월요일) 18:19:28


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