>1596356097> 【앵커/여신전생/디지몬】 D D S ─ 디지털 더블 스토리 -119- :: 1001

M&M's ◆gmZ2kt9BDc

2021-11-04 02:24:59 - 2021-11-12 03:34:32

0 M&M's ◆gmZ2kt9BDc (6XdsnJIUdQ)

2021-11-04 (거의 끝나감) 02:24:59

                                    _..-彡一''"゙゙´ ./_. _ , ヽ ゙゙̄''''''ヘニェ-.._
                                 _..r彡‐"      │~~゙/┘ ./.      ^゙''弋-、
                               ,ノニ‐'´     :_│_zニ└ 、,,,,..ノ゙⊥,,,,¦_      `ーニ-_
                             _ノン''´     _,┌'土li一―'''''''冖''''―ーニニ_.-,,,,      ゙弋! 、
                            /ン´   │>丿-''"       /ユ      ゙゙ー-ン'-t,,∠   ゙゙lユ,
                           ノン'´   ,,ヽ,,..ユィ二        ./ソ `lユ        ニ;;ニ''l(/_、   ゙lユ
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 【이전 어장 목록】
 『Real World』                                        ┃ 『Digital World』                                       ┃94.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596261573
1.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596245649         ┃49.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248961/147/1001 ┃96.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596266076
2.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596245666         ┃50.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248989        ┃97.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596269065
3.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596245698         ┃51.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596249002        ┃98.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596271100
4.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596245724         ┃52.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596249021        ┃99.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596275104
5.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596247670         ┃53.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596249095        ┃100.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596277093
6.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596247699         ┃54.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596249128        ┃101.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596279095
7.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596247720         ┃55.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596249155        ┃102.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596282101
8.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596247753         ┃56.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596249228        ┃103.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596285087
9.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596247844         ┃57.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596249402        ┃104.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596287093
10.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596247877        ┃58.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596252072        ┃105.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596289088
11.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596247896        ┃59.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596255065        ┃106.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596292095
12.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596247937        ┃60.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596256065        ┃107.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596296080
13.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248013        ┃61.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596257089        ┃108.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596296082
14.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248038        ┃62.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596258103        ┃109.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596300101
15.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248056        ┃63.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596258182        ┃110.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596301090
16.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248102        ┃64.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596258209        ┃111.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596304065
17.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248129        ┃65.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596258240        ┃112.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596307083
18.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248149        ┃66.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596258279        ┃113.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596310086
19.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248160        ┃67.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596258336        ┃114.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596316066
20.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248182        ┃68.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596258399        ┃115.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596318138
21.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248200        ┃69.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259088        ┃116.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596321100
22.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248240        ┃70.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259148        ┃117.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596326093
23.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248258        ┃71.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259231        ┃118.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596331091
24.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248279        ┃72.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259285        ┃
25.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248296        ┃73.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259357        ┃
26.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248328        ┃74.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259382        ┃
27.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248350        ┃75.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259411        ┃
28.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248366        ┃76.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259460        ┃
29.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248397        ┃77.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259482        ┃
30.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248420        ┃78.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259537        ┃
31.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248431        ┃79.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259615        ┃
32.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248453        ┃80.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259654        ┃
33.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248479        ┃81.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259747/1/338    ┃
34.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248506        ┣━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┫
35.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248522        ┃ 『Return to Real World』                                ┃
36.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248567        ┣━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┫
37.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248593        ┃81.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259747/339/1001 ┃
38.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248632        ┃82.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259782        ┃
39.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248686        ┃83.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259807        ┃
40.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248717        ┃84.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259829        ┃
41.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248739        ┃85.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259878        ┃
42.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248764        ┃86.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259949        ┃
43.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248781        ┃87.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596259986        ┃
44.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248805        ┃88.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596260061        ┃
45.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248836        ┃89.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596260219        ┃
46.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248853        ┃90.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596260286        ┃
47.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248878        ┃91.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596260289        ┃
48.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248934        ┃92.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596261271        ┃
49.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596248961/1/147    ┃93.https://bbs.tunaground.net/trace.php/anchor/1596261354        ┃

900 이름 없음 (odM7eg/vvg)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:09:12

참치가 도망쳤다! 일단 지금은 어장주 셀렉트 BGM을 틀어야겠네용

901 이름 없음 (UlpGrdvcqs)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:09:13

도와줘 참치들...어쩌다가 참치가 bgm 선택권을 얻은 거지 (공황상태)
추천을 올려줘요 다들 헬프!

902 이름 없음 (e58olRrBTQ)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:12:11

1을 뽑았기 때문이야 카센 연결로 할머니가 들려주신 옛 전설이나 테이머즈의 에블루션?

903 이름 없음 (odM7eg/vvg)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:14:24

영 모르겠으면 참치가 듣는 노래 목록에서 랜덤 돌려서 나온 노래를 추천하시면 됩니다(아무말)

904 이름 없음 (RrMMGHNlms)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:14:52

나는 페르소나 4 골든-shadow world(Instrumental)(가사 없는 버전) 틀고 있음

905 이름 없음 (e58olRrBTQ)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:15:04

아니면 이참에 벫벳룸 bgm 이라던지

906 이름 없음 (RrMMGHNlms)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:15:40

근데 가사 있는 쪽이 좀더 좋구만. 역시 보컬이 최강이었나

907 이름 없음 (e58olRrBTQ)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:16:41

보컬은 중요하니까

908 이름 없음 (UlpGrdvcqs)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:16:56

>>903 의 조언을 따라 돌린 결과

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring CR - 04. Very Old Friends

이게 나왔어...오랜 친구...듀크몬...(눈물)

909 이름 없음 (odM7eg/vvg)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:17:40

여기서 절묘한 제목의 노래가ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

910 이름 없음 (e58olRrBTQ)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:18:25

정말로 랜덤으로 돌려서 나온 노래란 말인가 역시 다갓은 웃는다

911 이름 없음 (UlpGrdvcqs)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:18:37

참치는 bgm 추천을 올렸으니 남은 건 어장주의 판별 뿐! 굽든 삶든 마음대로 하시오 (도마 위에 올라간 참치)

912 이름 없음 (C6RJYpKpWM)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:19:08

그러게 왜 거기서 금목걸이 달라고 한겨ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

913 이름 없음 (e58olRrBTQ)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:19:32

금 목걸이는 다른 참치가 준거 아니였어?

914 이름 없음 (C6RJYpKpWM)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:20:07

금목걸이=뭐라도 챙겨주세요

915 M&M's ◆gmZ2kt9BDc (RARpBF3DYE)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:22:40

【BGM: Very Old Friends】

              _, -‐ _二 ̄_ヽ、__
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   j ¬‐- 、_      ヽ   ', | /        | ,′
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  {  {         `ヽ、 ヽ ',|,′/     ,′,′
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    ゙、ヽ、    /      l      / /
     ヽ、 `ー 、/      」__, -‐'´_/                  ~♬
       `ーく `ー--一'´_〕_, -‐'´
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           __,. ' ´        `゙ヽ、_
          /´:.{      ′     }`ヽ_
           /:.:.:.:;:>、 ______, <  トヘヽ_r―‐-、
        `゙<;.:.:.:.:.:.`¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨´   >′`¬--一'′
           |l`ヽ、______,. -'´lミト、
          ,小{冏}:|ミl┌─‐┐:|ミ|: f商l|ミ|.:l|
            /入_〉='::|ミ| |___! :|ミト、゙ー'_Lj.::l|
        〈〈::.::.ヽ、 |ミL_:_:_:_:_:_:_|ミ|レ'´..;:.:ィ久
         レへ、::.`7=====ヘ彡'´_;: へ」
             {/        \}

916 이름 없음 (UlpGrdvcqs)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:23:18

참치는 오랜만에 던진 다이스가 1이 나와서 그냥 신기했을 뿐 (도주)
금목걸이 준 참치는 고마워! 하지만 참치에겐 너무 무거운 선정이었다...(도주2)

917 이름 없음 (odM7eg/vvg)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:23:38

참치의 절묘한 선곡과 크리가 가져올 이번 행동을 어딜 향할 것인가

918 M&M's ◆gmZ2kt9BDc (RARpBF3DYE)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:23:55

                 / 厂`__
               __/. : :/. : : : : : : : : :≧s。
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       i { ',: : :}ヽ 乂ソヽ: : `ヾ 乂_ソ>、: : ̄,!ヽ: : : / }'      축음기? 꽤 고풍스러운 취향이잖아.
       乂、 ',: : ', ´¨^`  \: :i ´¨^``  }: :,!:/  }: : ,!
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                  {. .:{ . : ∧ : : : ト、:/_:.|: /:: : : :.}: : :ヤ      요즘 시대,도서관이란 것 자체가 상당히 고풍스럽지 않겠습니까.
                  {.::∧ : ‐-\: :.|''"ラrぅ |: : : :/. :/八
                      V/ 込戈ラ ⌒   `´ /.: : :/. ://
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919 이름 없음 (e58olRrBTQ)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:26:08

하긴 엄청 발전한 시대 같으니 도서관을 운영한다고 해도 취미 정도일까?

920 이름 없음 (RrMMGHNlms)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:35:44

세상에서 가장 큰 도서관보다 논문 제휴사이트에 더 많은 정보가 모이는 현실

921 M&M's ◆gmZ2kt9BDc (RARpBF3DYE)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:35:52

                     _,,..   r‐…‐-ミ
                 . . :               `丶
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         |      {/ '"~ ̄/|  ./ ̄~" }    N
.          i|      { ____ :}/___..}    |      그건 그렇고,손님.
.        八.       {   {::::::::::::}    {::::::::::} }    〈
           \.    个 乂;;;;;ノ   乂;;;;ノ ノ  厂`      혹시 바꾸고 싶은 과거,아니면 알고 싶은 옛날이 있으십니까?
           \   乂               ⌒7 ¨´
                ) ノh、⌒     ▽    _、イ´
              ´     ニ=-     -=ニ
                /ニニ| X :|`、
               /ニニ:}ニ/|ヘi:i:i〉二'r ^'⌒',                    <그런 건 왜?
               √ニニ},癶|  `´|ニニ{^'   :}
            _√ニニ}__\,,/ニニ{_,,、, ノ
.              {_-_{ニニニ}_-_∩}i:i:i:|ニニ廴_/}
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.              {_-_{ニニニ}_-_:| |}i:i:i:|ニ|.  ̄
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                ̄√ ̄ ̄ ̄〔i:i:i:i:i:iヤニ
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                  |ニ\__/' {ニ\__}
                \ニ/  \ニ-}
                 `´    `¨´

922 이름 없음 (e58olRrBTQ)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:36:44

미래 바꾸면 지드라던지 굉장한 분들이 나와서 와 고마워요 잘 쓸게요 할 것 같아

923 이름 없음 (odM7eg/vvg)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:36:52

카센이야 많을 것 같은데

924 이름 없음 (RrMMGHNlms)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:36:55


925 이름 없음 (UlpGrdvcqs)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:38:02

라오루를 잘 모르니 뭐라고 말하기가 어렵군...

926 M&M's ◆gmZ2kt9BDc (RARpBF3DYE)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:46:53

           /⌒     〕iト‐z
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      .        ∀-ミ     }     ミー
      {     \_,,ッぅぃ、   フ¨\} 八
.       ‘、   .込,Vり^ ヽ .xfぅ㍉Уミ⌒   으음.
       八 人\ 乂_.     `゚゜ 公Ν
       ⌒\ 込,`¨⌒    '  ,必'
         \ )>。,   ' ‘  イ⌒      새삼스러운 이야기입니다만,저는 기본적으로 ‘누군가 와야 깨어나는’ 존재입니다.
          ヽ,ト^>. . _ .ィ(⌒
         _、‐ニ/^TT〔 : r≠冖¬ √ニニニ
.      _-=ニ└^⌒Vノ .: .√ニニ-小,ニニニニ
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       ヾ:.:l     ヾ:>、_,   __ノ:.:./            <여기서 문제.
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      ,ニニニ/ l l.ヾ/ / / .}/,ィ }l l>,ヽニニニニl

927 이름 없음 (odM7eg/vvg)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:47:24

설마 선객이 있었단 말인가

928 M&M's ◆gmZ2kt9BDc (RARpBF3DYE)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:47:26

                          ''"゚~ ̄~゚"''
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            |/  |  .i| ィ抒う㍉\ \ | ィぅ抒㍉.  リ   :|
             |   \八:. ヽVソ  \|⌒ Vソノ  /  i  |
               八丶: . .\\      ,       /  /  .ノ ノ       축음기는 언제부터 틀어져 있었을까요?
               \\: . .\\            / ,/. ://
               \\: .圦⌒  、    ,,  ⌒ノ. ://
                    )人 : . \    ̄    /. :人(
                   \: . ]Iッ。,,  _、イ{. :/
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               _ -ニニニニ|    厂\    /|二ヤニ-  _
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.         √ヤニニニたニ/i:i:i:i:i:i:i/:i:i:i:i:i\i:i:i:i:i:∧二二ヤニニ/ニニ|

929 이름 없음 (odM7eg/vvg)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:48:02

갑자기 문위기 호러(아무말)

930 이름 없음 (e58olRrBTQ)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:48:02

근데 저번에도 우리가 오기전에 준비하고 있지 않았었나? 초인종 같은 거라도 있는건가
아니면 선객이 있는건가

931 이름 없음 (RrMMGHNlms)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:48:07


금목걸이를 걸었을 때?

932 이름 없음 (e58olRrBTQ)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:49:27

메타적으로는 새벽 두시 22분 40초

933 이름 없음 (RrMMGHNlms)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:52:50

뭐 장난 빼고 생각하면

처음부터 켜져 있었는데 이제서야 듣게(들을수 있게)되었다-쪽이겠지?

934 이름 없음 (e58olRrBTQ)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:53:41

그럼 저 축음기를 누군가 틀어놓고 갔다는 소리가 되니까 누군가 왔다 같다는 게 되는데

935 이름 없음 (e58olRrBTQ)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 02:54:05

아 갔다 오타

936 M&M's ◆gmZ2kt9BDc (RARpBF3DYE)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 03:00:22

          ー、=、        {:、
            {:.{        〉〉
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              ̄ ̄}:.:).:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.`ヽ
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           /.i!:.:.:.:.:.:.:.、:.:.:∨∧:.:.:.:.:.:.:.ヽ!ゞ        …어,그래서 누구?
          _{{彡';.:.:{、|:.:.:i! |:.:.:.:.}ヾ∧{;:;:;:;:|ニニ{ニニニ`丶
           {ニニレニヽ;!7:{:.:/  //;:;:;:;:/ニニヽニニニニニヽ
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937 이름 없음 (odM7eg/vvg)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 03:01:08

크리면 우리가 아는 사람일까. 이런 곳에 들릴만한 사람은 알퀘이드씨밖에 모르는데

938 M&M's ◆gmZ2kt9BDc (RARpBF3DYE)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 03:02:13

                     _,,..   r‐…‐-ミ
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        ,=ニニニ〃ニニニノ -、ヽニニニニニニニニニニニム
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    !ニ/ l!''ニニニ/l}: : : :/./: : : : : :. ̄}l{ ̄ニニニニニニl!

939 이름 없음 (e58olRrBTQ)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 03:02:41

이거 앤젤라는 는 누군가의 그림자 역할 같은 건데 손님마다 그림자는 다를 태니 한명 당 하나씩 있다고 가정하면
공통점을 지닌 선객은 같은 방을 쓸 수 있는건가? 카센=길몬 같은 논리로.

940 이름 없음 (odM7eg/vvg)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 03:03:18

어... 내가 아는 A는 팬텀의 아날로그맨씨밖에 없는디. 그 양반 아직 살아있었데요? 네라쌤이 해치운게 아니었나.

941 이름 없음 (odM7eg/vvg)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 03:04:07

저 A씨는 대체 어떤 A씨일까.

942 M&M's ◆gmZ2kt9BDc (RARpBF3DYE)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 03:05:15

                          ''"゚~ ̄~゚"''
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            ′ ./  i|  人  i|    |   :| i   |
            |   :|:   八  ̄~"''' \.   |\'''"~ ̄  i|:  │
            |/  |  .i| ィ抒う㍉\ \ | ィぅ抒㍉.  リ   :|       저기 오셨네요.
             |   \八:. ヽVソ  \|⌒ Vソノ  /  i  |
               八丶: . .\\      ,       /  /  .ノ ノ
               \\: . .\\            / ,/. ://
               \\: .圦⌒  、    ,,  ⌒ノ. ://
                    )人 : . \    ̄    /. :人(
                   \: . ]Iッ。,,  _、イ{. :/
                    ^⌒|       |ヘ
                          厂 \    / \
                    _ -ニ/     \/     }\_
               _ -ニニニニ|    厂\    /|二ヤニ-  _
             _ -ニニニ/ニ二|  /i:i:ハi:i\./  |ニニヤニニニニ〕h、
.          /ニニニニニたニニ|/i:i:i:/i:i:\i:i:\  たニ:ヤニニニニ/}
         √ニニ二二たニニ/i:i:i:i:i:/:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:iハ たニニヤ二ニニ/_二|
.         √ヤニニニたニ/i:i:i:i:i:i:i/:i:i:i:i:i\i:i:i:i:i:∧二二ヤニニ/ニニ|

943 이름 없음 (e58olRrBTQ)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 03:05:26

온 건가

944 M&M's ◆gmZ2kt9BDc (RARpBF3DYE)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 03:05:49

                           r「` 、                    /^L.
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                           ヽ\ 、  l l  / ,  ´ /  //}
                         _, ┴ 、〈  }} | / /  /    //
                        人) ・   ̄ / /  -        /
                         ̄`ヽ:;,            _,.>' _
                              \` 、      - 、  ̄ ̄ -― 〈
                              \、`    ー‐rく`フ     _,ノ
  _,,..  -‐‐-{\__                      丶-----‐ '^ ー' ―--'
,: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :ヾ}_
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: : : : : : : : : :/. : : : : : : : }: : : : !
: : : : : : : : : : :/. : 〃!: : :}!: : :/       …새?
: : : : : : : : : :/. : : |ノ. /'; : :,′
: : : : : : : : :/.:∧: :!/  ∧: {
: : : : : : : : :{/  ヾ!   / ヽ}
: : : : : : : :∧!、     /    j!
从/\_(  /> ='    ノ'

945 이름 없음 (odM7eg/vvg)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 03:06:05


946 이름 없음 (e58olRrBTQ)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 03:06:10

그거 비둘기는 아니지?

947 이름 없음 (C6RJYpKpWM)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 03:06:35

...법의 신 이벤트?

948 M&M's ◆gmZ2kt9BDc (RARpBF3DYE)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 03:07:44

                   '       +           十
       _                                      _,.. -‐''"~ ̄ノ
      /,二-L__      '                         __,,.. -‐'''"´ _,,.、-ァ''"~)
    {  冖<- ∟_             +         +   ,、‐'''"´   _,..、-‐'乙-‐_'二イ
     \  ⌒ご゙'-┴、 '                        /  _,.ィ孑'___∠-‐く -‐く_/
      ヽ  ! '")二'ユ、                    /  /´ 了__,.ィ´__,∠-<イ
       l {  ゾ' ー<     +         十 /   ノ-‐づ、 '´_ノ-‐''"´,_,/
          l !  ´フつ::ュ.)                  /   , ‐'フ´-ノ '´_>‐''"´_ノ
  ,     ' |  ,' ¬ヘニ ヽ-ュ._           /     _,. - '´/ ,∠-''"
       | ,'  ¨! ム ^) ⌒>‐'⌒)    +/   jノノ/´  'フ_,/ ア
        |   '7 `っ<^ 'ン⌒'_`ニ=-―-/    /"´,っ ‐、/´‐'_,xく            내가 왔다.
         |  i    '´ ,ィジ>'´     /    / 人 ) イ  -‐  _ノ
        +|  丶.: .: .: ,;〃/       /   /う _六 ,'ぅ 丿- '''"´丿
+        \      /          /     ,ノ、,) -'   --┬ '''"´              0의 저편에서 시작인 내가 왔다.
            `ー-ー プ ´´' /// 〈  、ヾ`,"''   -‐'゙ ,.ニ-‐<      X^}
             /       //´  ,ゝ `ミ、/ ,ィ彡  /\ヽ、ヽ、     {_ノ
               |     , /ニ._''",,ノ   `>!´彳 〈、_入_,ト、{,,ヽ
         十  ',  仭 丿  `"ァー--イ {  ;   ミ、、x{._,入,入 \
+            (ユうァ'′  _ ;彡 ; ' ノ  } ,.'  r'Vハ{.¦{¦{ !}
                ∨`′  〈ス九ヘ}jtメ  _爻ヾf` ヽ._,火_,火_/`''′
                   (と!i`   _rタ、SpY
                             └「 /゙>c'
         ノメ,                   {人トイ                ,J、
          (_,/                                        )  }
                                     ト、                (_,,ノ

949 이름 없음 (e58olRrBTQ)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 03:07:53

지금 법의 신은 존재 x나 y 아니던가 법의 신이였던 a 씨인가
성세의 a씨도 있긴한데

950 이름 없음 (odM7eg/vvg)

2021-11-12 (불탄다..!) 03:08:40

(이때부턴 대략 정신이 멍해진다) 대체 뭐여

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